Experience the sparkling clarity of clean windows with our exceptional window cleaning services! Serving the Enterprise area, we at Dickens Janitorial Cleaning Services & Supply take pride in transforming your view and brightening your spaces. For over 25 years, our commitment to excellent service and quality control ensures your windows will shine like new. No matter the size of your business or project, our expert team is ready to tackle your window cleaning needs. Don't let dirty windows obscure your beautiful surroundings—contact us today to discover our affordable window cleaning services!
"As a Dothan native, I'm proud to serve our city and the Wiregrass area with excellent commercial cleaning. For more than 25 years my passion and priority has been creating clean environments for all to live, learn, work, and relax."
For over 25 years, we've been perfecting our craft as the guardian angels of cleanliness. Our janitorial services extend a gleaming touch to a variety of establishments across Southeast Alabama. From office buildings to educational facilities, our teams possess an innate ability to transform any space into a pristine environment. Discover a world where excellent service meets impeccable quality control. Explore our clean-scape marvels today and experience janitorial services at their finest.
At DJCSS, we offer a wide range of cleaning solutions to meet the needs of businesses and institutions across Southeast Alabama. From office cleaning and floor care to pressure washing and fleet washing, our experienced team ensures top-quality service with a focus on excellence and reliability. Trusted by financial institutions, government entities, and small businesses, we are your go-to for maintaining clean, professional environments. Let us help you create a spotless space—contact us today for a consultation!
Comprehensive commercial cleaning with a focus on detail and innovation to support businesses' success.
Fleet washing services designed to maintain a professional appearance for corporate vehicles, extending the life of your fleet.
Safety supplies to ensure a secure workspace, including protective gear to meet compliance and productivity standards.
When it comes to facility maintenance, we provide an orchestration of precision and reliability. Our proactive approach ensures your premises remain in top-notch condition, enabling smooth operations and minimizing disruptions. Armed with expertise and tools, our team is on standby to tackle any maintenance challenge—big or small. Allow us to partner with you in fortifying the backbone of your operations. Contact us for a comprehensive consultation today!
Our legacy began with excellence in detailing, and we continue to uphold that tradition through our specialized fleet washing services. Corporate vehicles race through the day—often bearing the brunt of the road. Let us breathe new life into your fleet with meticulous washing that goes beyond surface shine, ensuring a professional image that mirrors your brand’s commitment to excellence. Give your fleet the rejuvenation it deserves today by reaching out to our team!
Transform dull exteriors into reflections of perfection with our pressure washing services. We employ the power of precision to gently yet effectively banish grime, dirt, and stains from your surfaces. Whether it's building walls, driveways, or concrete floors, our pressure washing reveals the striking beauty underneath. Rediscover the charm of your exteriors with our state-of-the-art techniques. Get started—schedule an appointment today!
We offer a complete range of janitorial supplies, cleaning equipment, and safety supplies to ensure your cleaning tasks are carried out efficiently and safely. Our high-quality janitorial supplies and premium cleaning equipment are designed to tackle any challenge, delivering professional results every time. Whether you need protective safety supplies for your team or top-tier cleaning tools to get the job done, we provide everything you need to maintain a spotless, safe, and efficient environment. With our expert solutions, you can focus on keeping your space clean and your team protected with ease.
Step into a realm where commercial cleaning meets innovation. We stand at the forefront of providing businesses with refreshing spaces that breathe productivity. Our knack for detail and diligence ensures an invigorating atmosphere for your employees and clients alike. Whether it's daily upkeep or specialty services, our commercial cleaning teams redefine cleanliness standards. Let's craft a cleaner tomorrow, one immaculate space at a time.
From Carpet Cleaning Services and Window Cleaning Services to Office Cleaning Services, we ensure every area of your space is spotless and welcoming. Our eco-friendly solutions and advanced equipment deliver lasting results. We also provide top-quality Janitorial Supplies and Cleaning Equipment to help maintain a pristine environment, along with Safety Supplies to keep your team protected. Plus, our Waste Management Solutions focus on sustainability, helping you manage waste efficiently while reducing your environmental footprint.
Our Carpet Cleaning Services are designed to refresh and rejuvenate your carpets, removing dirt, stains, and allergens to bring them back to their original beauty. Using cutting-edge technology and eco-friendly solutions, we restore your carpets to a pristine state. At the same time, our Window Cleaning Services ensure your windows are spotless and clear, providing beautiful, unobstructed views that enhance the appearance of your building. Whether it’s ground-floor windows or high-rise glass, we bring brilliance to every pane.
To maintain a spotless environment, it’s crucial to have the right tools. Our Janitorial Supplies offer everything you need for effective cleaning, from basic cleaning products to specialized solutions that tackle any challenge. Along with that, our Cleaning Equipment is designed for high performance and durability, helping you achieve a level of cleanliness that meets the highest standards. From vacuums to scrubbers, we provide top-quality equipment to ensure that your space stays pristine.
Our Office Cleaning Services are tailored to create a productive and organized workspace, providing detailed cleaning that boosts efficiency and inspires creativity. We ensure every desk, corner, and hallway is spotless, offering a clean slate for your workday. Alongside that, our Safety Supplies protect your team with essential gear like gloves, masks, and protective clothing. Finally, our Waste Management Solutions ensure your waste is disposed of efficiently and sustainably, helping you reduce environmental impact while maintaining a safe, clean environment.
Windows are the eyes of your establishment, offering views to your world. Our window cleaning services ensure those views are clear and unobstructed. Using advanced techniques and eco-friendly solutions, our experts restore brilliance to every pane. Whether it’s ground-floor windows or high-rise wonders, we take each task as an opportunity to enhance your property's aesthetic appeal. Let us brighten your outlook with our professional touch.
When it comes to maintaining a bright and inviting environment in Enterprise, our window cleaning services stand out. We understand that crystal-clear windows can enhance the appeal of any business or home, which is why our window cleaning services are tailored to meet your specific needs. With over 25 years in the industry, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional quality in all our services, including our window cleaning services. Our dedicated team employs advanced techniques to ensure your windows shine with clarity, offering the best window cleaning services available in the area. Trust us to provide you with an unmatched level of service that transforms your space, ensuring a pristine outlook and enhancing your property's overall atmosphere. Reach out today to discover how our window cleaning services can elevate your property’s charm!
Have some questions about our company? Find the answers below.
We offer a wide range of cleaning services to meet diverse needs. Our services include commercial cleaning, office cleaning services, and fleet washing services. We also provide pressure washing services, large window cleaning, and specialized floor stripping and waxing. Our carpet cleaning services ensure your carpets stay fresh and clean, and our facilities maintenance management keeps your premises in top shape. Whether you need day porters or custodial services, we have you covered. Contact us to discuss how we can serve your cleaning needs!
Yes, we do! We understand the importance of maintaining a clean and safe environment, which is why we offer a range of janitorial supplies and safety products. From high-quality cleaning equipment to essential safety supplies, we have everything you need to support your cleaning efforts. Our products are chosen to complement our services, ensuring you have all the tools necessary for effective cleaning. Reach out to us to explore our complete range of supplies!
We proudly serve several locations across the southeastern United States. Our primary service areas include Dothan, Ozark, Enterprise, Eufaula, Bainbridge, Troy, Dawson, Lynn Haven, and Cairo. We are committed to providing top-notch cleaning and maintenance services to each of these communities. Whether you're located in Alabama, Georgia, or Florida, our team is ready to assist you with all your cleaning needs. Contact us to see how we can help in your area!
Getting a quote for our services is easy! Simply navigate to the 'contact' section of our website and fill out the form with your details. You can also reach us directly via email at Estimates@dccjs.co. One of our representatives will contact you to discuss your specific needs and provide you with affordable cleaning solutions. We look forward to helping you create a cleaner and safer environment. Contact us today for your personalized quote!
Hear directly from those who know us best - our valued customers.
"Mr. Dickens and his staff did a great job! I appreciate him having enough personnel and doing the job in a timely manner with no wax on the walls."
- J. Evans
Dothan, AL
"Get your car squeaky clean!"
- S. Jackson
Dothan, AL
"Excellent service."
- J. Bennett,
Midland City, AL
"Great cleaning company!"
- T. Hayes,
 Albany, GA
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